Labels:bulletin board | earth | fence | grass | person | reckoner | sky OCR: abcde fghi ikfmno parstuvwxy ABC DEFGHIJKL CMNOPORSTUOWXYZ 0123456789T*$%& ";/? The qurick Brown fox jum ps ove! the lazydog The quick 6rown fox jum ps over the fazy dog. 24 The quicke frown fox jum ps over the fazy Boe 36 The quick Grown fox jum ps over the fazy Boe The quick Grown fox jum ps over the fazy boe 60 The quick Grown fox jum us over the fazy boe The quick Grown ox fum us over the fazy fgfif jkfmno pqrstuvwxyz ThequickBrown thelazu orown